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A healthy workplace begins with employees. Educating employees on how bacteria spreads and how they can help make the workplace a healthy and hygienic environment for everyone is a key component of workplace hygiene. The average desk contains 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat. So what are some ways to prevent bacteria spreading?
Firstly, how does bacteria spread? It can be spread through many ways:
- Breathing in germs: germs are airborne, and when an infected individual coughs or sneezes, airborne particles are released which are then inhaled by others.
- Touching contaminated objects: Pathogens from someone’s bathroom visits may spread to desks or other objects if hands weren’t washed properly
- Skin to skin contact: transfer of pathogens can occur through touch or sharing personal items
Tips to reduce infection at work
Hand Hygiene
So do you know how to properly wash your hands? Did you know you’re meant to wash your hands for 20 seconds each time?
Start by wetting your hands with clean water and apply soap. Rub both your hands together and lather and scrub the back of your hands, between fingers and under nails. A good way to remember 20 seconds is to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice while scrubbing your hands! Rinse your hands under water again and dry your hands thoroughly with either a clean towel or air dry.
Provide employees with hand sanitisers at their work stations and ensure that there is always hand wash available in the bathrooms.
Clean Workplace Surfaces Often
Provide several options for your employees to be able to clean their work stations. This includes computer keyboards, mouse, desk, chairs, door knobs and copiers. Disinfectant wipes and/or spray disinfectant can be used to wipe surfaces down. Encourage employees to clean up their desks regularly, and avoid leaving any food overnight or longer.
Cough and Sneeze Etiquette
Encourage employees to practise cough and sneezing etiquette regularly even if they are not sick. This means covering your mouth with either inner arms or tissues every time they sneeze or cough.
Educate Staff
Educate staff on the importance of hand hygiene and workplace contamination. Remind them to clean and disinfect their workstations often. Encourage employees to practise good self hygiene, which in turn will improve workplace health.
At Fresh and Clean, our goal is to help you to provide a healthy work environment for your staff. Browse through our range of hygienic and sanitised professional rental services and get in touch with us today!