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Hand washing and hand drying are not hard. Remembering the right way to wash and dry your hands, however, can challenge even the most fastidious adults. We are aiming for a laugh from adults with our multiple choice hand washing fill in the blank game.
Hand washing facts: most people are terrible at washing their hands. Many don’t use soap. With up to 80% of communicable diseases transferred by touch and poor hand washing contributing to nearly 50% of all food-borne illness, it’s time for a refresher.
Answer key at the bottom of the page.
When should you wash your hands?
- Before you eat
- As soon as you get to work
- After using the bathroom
- As soon as you get home
- Anytime your hands look dirty
- All of the above
What is the best way to wash your hands?
- Wet your hands
- Scrub with soap, ideally foamy soap, for at least 20 seconds.
- Wipe them on my pants
What infections can you get from poor hand washing?
- Cold and Flu
- Salmonella
- The Love Bug
- Coronavirus
- Laughter
- All of the above
What is the best method of hand drying after hand washing to prevent infection?
- On my pants
- On someone else’s pants
- Drip dry
- Thoroughly dry with a towel
Let’s discuss ideas for how can Alsco’s Fresh & Clean can support healthy hand hygiene at your workplace.
1) F 2) B 3) A, B, D 4) D